Restaurants - Pennsylvania
Here are links to some notable restaurants (past and present) found along Route 40.
Old Stone House (Stewart's Tavern, Wiggins's Tavern, Risler's Tavern, Earl's Tavern, Lewis's Tavern, Snyder's Tavern, Darlington's Tavern, Rush's Tavern, Swearingen's Tavern, Bunting's Tavern, Downer's Tavern) (Farmington, PA) "From Searight's The Old Pike (1894):
Next we come to the 'Fayette Springs Hotel,' a large stone house built at an early day by the Hon. Andrew Stewar......" |
Braddock Inn (Braddock’s Run House) (Farmington, PA) "From Searight's The Old Pike (1894):
The next old tavern stand is the "Braddock's Run House." Gen. Braddock was buried near this house, a day or two ......" |
Angelo's (closed) (Washington, PA) "This restaurant has moved to a new location near the baseball stadium......." |
Zhang Stir Fry (Washington, PA) "In the Washington Crown Center Mall......." |
I Venditore (Washington, PA) "In the Washington Crown Center Mall......." |
Wong's Wok (Washington, PA) "In the Washington Crown Center Mall......." |
Sbaro (Washington, PA) "In the Washington Crown Center Mall......." |
Pretzels Plus (Washington, PA) "In the Washington Crown Center Mall......." |
Subway (Washington, PA) "In the Washington Crown Center Mall......." |
Feedback: Do you have corrections or contributions for this page? Want to make a suggestion? Click here to send me an e-mail. I am espcially interested in memories, stories, postcards and photographs. Thanks!

Last updated: 2009-09-08 04:28:09 |
