Hotels - Ohio
Here are links to some notable hotels (past and present) found along Route 40.
Berwick Hotel (closed) (Cambridge, OH) "Built by Joseph Taylor in 1866. Named after Taylor's home town of North Berwick, Maine. Now an apartment building......." |
Neil House Hotel (site) (Columbus, OH) "From Searight's The Old Pike (1894):
William Neil, the old stage proprietor, was the projector and owner of the Neil House, the leading hotel of Colu......" |
Chittenden Hotel (site) (Columbus, OH) "Destroyed by fire on November 24, 1893. It was rebuilt. Today the site is a state office building......." |
Hotel Fort Hayes (Columbus, OH) "There is an office building at this site......." |
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Last updated: 2010-08-10 20:11:34 |
