Historic Sites - New Jersey
Here are links to some notable historc sites found along Route 40.
Lucy, the Margate Elephant (Margate City, NJ) "Built in the 1880's, Lucy still stands thanks to a relocation and the work of some dedicated preservationists. In this 1920's postcard on below, Lucy ......" |
Friends (Quaker) Home (Woodstown, NJ) "Built in 1896. Across the street from the Friends Meeting House. This building now appears to be a private residence......." |
Seven Stars Tavern (Woodstown, NJ) "Built in 1762 by Peter and Elizabeth Louderback. Now a private residence......." |
Feedback: Do you have corrections or contributions for this page? Want to make a suggestion? Click here to send me an e-mail. I am espcially interested in memories, stories, postcards and photographs. Thanks!

Last updated: 2010-08-10 20:12:24 |
