Old Stone House
Formerly/Also Known As Stewart's Tavern, Wiggins's Tavern, Risler's Tavern, Earl's Tavern, Lewis's Tavern, Snyder's Tavern, Darlington's Tavern, Rush's Tavern, Swearingen's Tavern, Bunting's Tavern, Downer's Tavern
3023 National Pike Farmington, PA 15437-1224(724) 329-1023 (724) 329-1275 FAX info@stonehouseinn.com www.stonehouseinn.com
From Searight's The Old Pike (1894):
Next we come to the 'Fayette Springs Hotel,' a large stone house built at an early day by the Hon. Andrew Stewart, who owned the property, and remained its owner until the day of his death. It was recently sold by his heirs to Capt. John Messmore, of Uniontown. This house was a favorite resort for visitors to the Fayette Springs, situate about three-quarters of a mile distant. In its halcyon days it had its ten-pin alley, billiard tables, swing, and other appliances of pleasure and comfort, but they have all passed away, and probably by reason of hard times, and the abatement of interest in the Springs may never again be brought into requisition. Here merry parties of young folks from Uniontown and elsewhere were accustomed to assemble and enjoy a hearty supper, engage in the dizzy mazes of the dance, and when it was all over 'go home with the girls in the morning.' Mahlon Fell and Tom Collins were the old-time fiddlers, and furnished the music, which in its line was of superior excellence. They were occasionally reinforced by Jacob B. Miller, esq., who tendered his services without pecuniary reward, and in the language of the day, 'could make a fiddle talk.' Collins is dead. Fell and Miller are both living. The former has joined the church and abandoned the fiddle, while the latter still retains his taste and talent for music, and often entertains his friends in a private manner, with many of the popular tunes of the olden time. The 'Fayette Springs House' has been kept in turn by Cuthbert Wiggins, John Risler, B. W. Earl, Samuel Lewis, William Snyder, William Darlington, John Rush, Major Swearingen, Redding Bunting, Cuthbert Downer, and perhaps others.
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Old Stone House. Photograph by John Kennedy Lacock and Ernest K. Weller, 1910.
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Last updated: 2014-04-02 12:55:22 |
