Broadmoor Hotel
1 Lake Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80906(800) 837-9520
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1968 advertisement. This ad is displayed for historic value and does not represent the current features, policies or prices.
Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1930.
Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1970.
Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1970.
Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1970.
Golden Bee Restaurant at the Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1970.
Penrose Room at the Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1970.
International Center at the Broadmoor Hotel. Postcard ca. 1970.
Broadmoor Hotel Golf Course. Postcard ca. 1970.
Broadmoor Hotel Cog Railway. Postcard ca. 1970.
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Last updated: 2009-10-24 16:57:47 |