White Goose Tavern (site)Formerly/Also Known As Washington Hall, Golden Swan, Valentine's Tavern, Rettigg's Tavern, Sargeant's Tavern, Hays's Tavern, Sumny's Tavern, Hallam's Tavern13 East Wheeling StreetWashington, PA 15301 Built in 1791. Razed in 1846. From Searight's The Old Pike (1894): Charles Valentine kept the “White Goose” in 1791. This house stood on the lot now covered by the Valentine House. The name Valentine is prominently identified with the National Road from the date of its construction to the present time. The “White Goose” was the symbol under which this old tavern sailed until the year 1806, when it assumed the more poetic name of “Golden Swan,” under the management of John Rettigg. Rettigg was relieved from its cares and responsibilities in 1810 by Juliana Valentine, who presided over its destinies down to the year 1819. It next passed to the control and management of James Sargeant, who kept it for a brief period, and turned it over to John Valentine and Lewis Valentine, who continued it down to 1825. It was next kept for two years by John Hays. In 1827 it was kept by Isaac Sumny, under the sign of the “Washington Hall.” It was kept by Samuel Donley and various other persons, down to about the year 1840, when as before stated, it passed to the control of Joseph Hallam. In Hallam’s time it was a popular wagon stand, and did a large business. Hallam was a man below the medium size, a little stooped, and of quiet demeanor. He had a good wagon yard, and catered to the tastes of old wagoners in an agreeable manner. The happiest moments of Amos Waltz were those in which he inserted the gear pole between the spokes of the hind wheel of a road wagon, as it stood on Hallam’s yard, and afterward took a drink with the jolly wagoners in Hallam’s old bar-room. In 1847 or 1848 the present Valentine House was built, and kept for many years thereafter by Maj. Geo. T. Hammond. It was also kept a while by ex-Sheriff Andrew Bruce, afterward by ex-Sheriff Hugh Keys, and later and until a recent date by William F. Dickey, and is now called the “Allison House.”
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