Hunter's Tavern (site)Formerly/Also Known As Walker's Tavern, McMullin's Tavern, Newlon's Taven, Watson's TavernMain StreetAddison, PA 15411 From Searight's The Old Pike (1894): In the year 1832 Robert Hunter opened a tavern in a brick house, on the south side of the road and street, in Petersburg, and conducted it for many years with marked success. Mrs. Hunter, the old and amiable hostess of this house, is remembered as well for her good qualities as a housekeeper as for her immense size. She weighed two hundred and fifty pounds. This old house was subsequently kept by John A. Walker, John McMullin, Alfred Newlon and Lott Watson, in the order given, and was always well kept. The stage coaches of one of the early lines stopped at this house, and it has been extensively patronized by summer visitors and pleasure seekers. It was one of the very best eating houses on the road, and is continued as a tavern to this day by Mr. Mitchell, who holds a license and keeps a good house. John E. Reeside married a step-daughter of John McMullin.
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